Signs It's Time For Pool Resurfacing: Recognizing The Red Flags

5 September 2023
 Categories: , Blog


Your swimming pool is a place of relaxation, recreation, and family fun. Over time, though, wear and tear can take a toll on its surface. To keep your pool safe, attractive, and functional, it's essential to recognize the signs that it's time for pool resurfacing. This blog will help you identify the red flags that indicate your pool needs attention.

Cracks and Structural Damage

One of the most noticeable signs that your pool requires resurfacing is the presence of cracks in the pool's surface. These cracks can develop due to a variety of factors, including age, shifting soil, or temperature fluctuations. Not only do cracks detract from the pool's appearance, but they can also pose safety risks and lead to water leakage.

Chipping and Flaking

If you notice that the pool's surface is chipping or flaking, it's a clear indication that the protective layer is deteriorating. Chipping can create rough spots that may cause injuries to swimmers and lead to more significant structural issues if left unaddressed.

Discoloration and Stains

Over time, pool surfaces can become discolored due to exposure to chemicals, algae growth, and minerals in the water. Stubborn stains that resist cleaning are another sign that your pool may need resurfacing. Discoloration not only affects the pool's aesthetic appeal but can also indicate underlying surface damage.

Rough Texture and Irritated Skin

A rough or abrasive pool surface can be uncomfortable for swimmers. If you or your family members experience skin irritation or discomfort after swimming, it may be due to the deteriorating pool surface. Resurfacing can restore a smoother, more enjoyable swimming experience.

Water Loss and Frequent Refilling

If you find yourself constantly topping up your pool due to water loss, it could be a sign of structural issues in the pool's surface. Leaks and cracks can cause water to escape, increasing your water bills and potentially causing further damage.

Recognizing the red flags that indicate your pool needs resurfacing is essential for maintaining a safe and enjoyable swimming environment. Cracks, chipping, discoloration, rough texture, and water loss are all signs that should not be ignored. Timely pool resurfacing not only restores the pool's appearance but also ensures its structural integrity and safety. If you observe any of these red flags, it's advisable to consult with a pool resurfacing professional to assess the condition of your pool and determine the most appropriate course of action. By addressing these issues promptly, you can continue to enjoy your pool for years to come.

For more information on pool resurfacing, contact a professional near you.